How to Build a Sturdy Outhouse Outhouses are considered as things of the past and is rapidly vanishing. Having AN outhouse means having a link to the way life was lived in the past. But despite this, outhouses are still being built in American and around the world. Being useful and very practical, outhouses are built in various designs and shapes. When deciding to build one, it shouldn't take much of your time. Perhaps one to three days should be fine. Any longer and it could be that there is a flaw in the design or the land built on may be too soft. When building an outhouse, keep in mind the steps below and make sure to always refer back to the design and foundation of the land before continuing. (1). Carefully choose the area where to build the outhouse. The outhouse should not be really close to your home but a bit away preferably under a shady part of the woods. It is not advisable to keep an outhouse in plain view unless it cant be helped. Keep the outhouse out of public view like near a road and away from any area with running water. (2). A pit must be dug deep enough to accommodate the waste. A pit of three feet wide and five feet deep should suffice. Try to dig a pit on hard land. Soft land has a tendency to erode much quickly and you outhouse may tilt or break up in the next few months. (3). In building the floor area of the outhouse, you can use either concrete or wood. You just have to create a hole wide enough. Most people like to use concrete for it can easily be cleaned unlike wood which might take longer to scrub. (4). Design a cover. You may design a cover with different designs and can use not only one but two covers to mask the smell while it is being used. You may also use the traditional toilet casing from the nearby hardware or department store. The only disadvantage to using such a toilet is that it needs to be filled with water to flush properly. (5). The pit should then be covered with siding and paint. Any corrugated roll roofing should be added as to keep the rain out. (6). Make sure that the outhouse has proper ventilation. Most outhouses have the traditional crescent opening. However, in situations where the smell may be strong, you might want to add more vents along the sides of the outhouse. Having an outhouse is a great way to bring back those nostalgic memories and building one doesn't have to be time consuming or difficult once you know the steps.
About the Author: Please click these links if you want to know more about how to build an outhouse or how to build an outhouse in general. |
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